Testing Race Protocol Games: WASM Bundle and Client-Side
Testing is an essential aspect of game development, and it becomes even more crucial when building blockchain games due to the added complexity of on-chain interactions and the need for security and fairness. Race Protocol emphasizes the importance of testing and provides tools to facilitate both unit testing and integration testing of game logic on both the WASM bundle (game handler) and client sides.
Importance of Testing
Thorough testing of game logic is crucial for several reasons:
Correctness: Unit tests ensure that individual components of your game logic function as intended and produce the expected outcomes. This helps catch bugs early in the development process and improves the overall quality and stability of your game.
Security: Blockchain games involve the handling of digital assets and sensitive information. Security vulnerabilities in the game logic can lead to exploits and loss of funds. Testing helps identify and address potential security issues before deploying your game to a live environment.
Fairness: In asymmetric competitive games, ensuring fairness is paramount. Testing helps verify that the game logic operates fairly and that no player or entity can gain an unfair advantage through manipulation or access to hidden information.
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